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Blom&Blom 2016 Taipei Pop-Up Event Organizer & Visual Design
來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的兄弟檔Martijn & Kamiel,在東柏林求學時,把廢墟探險時發現的舊燈具,用他們另翼的設計視野,改變老燈具原有的外觀與使用方式,也因此成為歐洲新興燈具設計的設計品牌。2016年臺北POP-UP記者會活動型錄設計,特別以錯置的圖文方向,呼應他們將老物件賦予新生命的設計理念,讓重置與錯位,都有其觀點。
Blom&Blom is about two brothers Martijn & Kamiel. Who share a passion for unique items, epic in their origin and design, they discovered distinctive lamps and recovered from abandoned factories when they studied in east Berlin, carefully restored with respect for their past. For their POP-UP event in 2016, 2 by Wu&Chen studio designed catalogue showcasing their original purpose into a new dimension in a timeline of images and activities.
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Visual Design,
Catalogue Design
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