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2016年王馥 Eunice Wang 創辦專營非洲高級訂製套裝旅行品牌 - 非行紀|私旅高定eunique travel,並與非洲知名生態保育公司 Wilderness Safaris 長期合作,推廣客訂非洲保育套裝行程。網站設計以王馥親身體驗的非洲大地色系,作為設計焦點,在絕美的自然景色之下對應出網頁內流暢浪漫的配色與塊狀設計。


Founded in 2016, CEO Eunice Wang has cooperated with Africa's foremost luxury and sustainable safaris operator - Wilderness Safaris, and launched a wide collection of camps and mobile safaris across several African countries. In the web design, we used all the natural colors from Africa and make the website as beautiful and flowless as in Wang's countless memories.

Client / 

非行紀|私旅高定eunique travel


Role / 

Web Design

Year / 


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