厝內TZULAÏ x 貳房苑LivinGreen 限量聯名
潮州街老屋改造催生 【潮州綠紅陶釉燒馬克杯】的臺灣新生活品味
2019年初,貳房苑 LivinGreen 在執行團隊雙好設計 2.byWu&Chen 的老屋改造計劃下,將1963年完工的日式泥作老屋,以「PANTONE5463綠」的外牆色,融合設計團隊成員各自的臺灣回憶,並將這款綠色取名為「潮州綠」,而成為今年潮州街最具話題的老屋新生話題。在同一條潮州街上,以「台式生活美學」為核心的生活家用品牌厝內TZULAÏ今年秋天,以「潮州綠」推出品牌經典商品紅陶釉燒馬克杯,也從一棟老屋的改造設計,成為一整條潮州街的生活意象。
貳房苑 LivinGreen 與設計經營團隊雙好設計 2.byWu&Chen,則以改建時的老公寓窗架為靈感,將臺灣民房常見的窗櫺剪影與白框雕花,窗內與窗外都有過的街景回憶,為【潮州綠紅陶釉燒馬克杯】打造專屬包裝紙盒。
爬梳過去潮州街一帶老社區的發展,雙好設計 2.byWu&Chen 發現因早年鄰近軍用基地的社區背景,周遭建物都曾被要求使用大地色系作為建築(色磚)顏色,加上鄰里居民對植栽、綠地與老樹的大量栽種,交織出潮州街區特別的傳統社區樣貌;PANTONE5463號綠,從改建一棟1963年完工的老房外牆顏色,到成為重溫臺灣童年回憶,最有感的潮州綠,「潮州綠」成為我們向老屋、老社區與老臺灣致上的新生活敬意。
厝內TZULAÏ與貳房苑 LivinGreen限量聯名【潮州綠紅陶釉燒馬克杯】,希望從潮州街作為起點,讓每個人的臺灣回憶,都在紅陶、釉燒、窗花與老房之中,有了重疊的潮州綠意。
A collaboration by TZULAÏ and LivinGreen
Chaozhou Street house renovation provides inspiration for the Chaozhou Green Terracotta Mug
At the beginning of 2019, LivinGreen’s executive team 2 By Wu&Chen implemented a design plan for the renovation of a 1963 Japanese concrete house. The color “PANTONE 5463 Green” was used as the exterior wall color, integrating with each of the design team member’s memories of Taiwan, becoming the new center of attention on Chaozhou Street.
TZULAÏ uses terracotta that is often used in Taiwan’s traditional buildings as a mug material to convey the simplicity of the Taiwanese lifestyle. This brand’s classic mug makes this construction material closer to modern homes, for everyone to enjoy various temperature and taste.
LivinGreen and 2 By Wu&Chen designed the exclusive boxes for the packing of the Chaozhou Green Terracotta Mug. Inspired by the window frames of old apartments, carving the silhouettes and frames that were common in Taiwan’s houses, a recollection of street scenes from both sides of the window.
While going through the development of the old community along Chaozhou Street, 2 By Wu&Chen found that because of nearby military bases in the early years, the surrounding buildings were required to use the earthy colors as their colors, along with the greenery that the residents planted, the colors were interwoven to a unique community appearance.
The PANTONE 5463 green, was used as a tribute to the old house, the community, and old Taiwan. This color was used from the remodeling, the color of the exterior wall of the 1963 house while reliving childhood memories to becoming this influential Chaozhou green.
TZULAÏ and LivinGreen limited-edition collaboration Chaozhou Green Terracotta Mug,
hopes to use Chaozhou Street as a starting point for everyone to be reminded of Taiwan memories using terracotta, glazed pottery, grilles, and old houses.
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