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人 | 書   劇場 | 老屋 的跨界交集 PLAYground 南村劇場·青鳥·有.設計」  

雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen 從平面再跨空間設計的臺味美學

PLAYground 南村劇場.青鳥.有.設計」是由曾監製過《引爆點》、《麻醉風暴 2》等劇作的大清華傳媒統籌,並集結「青鳥書店」、「uDesign有.設計」的跨界藝文場域,空間座落在過去日治時代聯勤四十四兵工廠舊址的四四南村,這也成為 雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen 延續2019年由平面跨空間設計,以潮州街76號的貳房苑老屋改建拿下第19屆台北老屋新生大獎非住宅類首獎後,再度從平面跨界立面設計,為「PLAYground 南村劇場.青鳥.有.設計」勾勒出人與書、劇場與老屋、歷久而彌新的空間設計想法。


去年 雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen 援用Pantone色票的5463號綠,以色定調的設計,將潮州街上超過50年日式泥作老房,透過來自建築與自然的綠層次,以「潮州綠」勾勒出老臺灣的生活意象。今年,雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen 協同 CMYK studio 分寸設計執行,運用眷村常見的「紅」,作為過去兵工廠與眷村空間改造的核心色,也是從眷村磚瓦、門牆、春聯桌布而來的色彩延伸。雙好創辦人/設計師吳恩均將「看與被看的展演」化作南村設計核心,並將這個想法轉化在可觀望、可遮蔽的活動書櫃設計上,成為設計理念上最顯性的展現,讓每一座書架附有隱藏式輪腳,可隨時因應劇場演出移動。同時也將閱讀的寧靜與人群的流動,透過高低層次、穿透書櫃找到平衡焦點,展現處處都能閱讀,時時都是劇場的空間魅力。




多重跨界的空間使用,是「PLAYground 南村劇場·青鳥·有.設計」 在空間設計上最大的趣味,同時也成為它必然的難度,我們透過眷村紅、透視、看與被看的多樣設計,一方面延續老眷村、老空間、舊社會中,那些緊密的人際關係,更也將南村視為一個起點,劇場、書店相互連線,設計則作為跨界交集的最終水平面。

People | Books, Theater | Collaboration project on a historical building
2byWu&Chen joins hand to bring out Taiwan aesthetics, crossing from graphic design to interiordesign


"PLAYground 南村劇場.青鳥.有.設計" is coordinated by Tsinghua Culture Media, which past projects include “Tipping Point” and “Anesthesia Storm”. This time, the team is working with Bleu&Book and uDesign for these arts and cultural collaboration. The location for this project is the Sisi South Village, the former site of the 44th Logistics Command Arsenal during the Japanese era. This is also the second space and interior design from 2byWu&Chen, a continuation of 2019 the project which won the first prize in the non-residential category of the 19th Taipei Face Old House Renaissance Award with the No.76 Chaozhou Street, LivinGreen. This time, they plan to bring together with the elements of people and books, theater and old building, historical and new for the design of "PLAYground 南村劇場.青鳥.有.設計".


Last year, 2byWu&Chen relied on Pantone No.5463 green. With a color-toned design, the 50-year-old Japanese-style concrete building was used to bring out the life image of old Taiwan.


This year, 2byWu&Chen cooperated with CMYK studio to carry out the design, using red which is common in military housing as the core color of the space reconstruction of the arsenal and the village. The color is used as an extension from the roof tiles to doors and walls to tablecloths. 2byWu&Chen founder/designer Wu En-Chun adapted the concept of “see and be seen” into the core idea of the design and transformed this idea into the design of observable and obscure bookcases, becoming the most obvious manifestation of the design concept. Each bookcase is equipped with hidden casters, allowing it to be moved at any time in response to theater performances. At the same time, the balance focus between the quietness of reading and the flow of the crowd can be found through the high and low levels of the shelves and transparency.


The entrance counter is designed like an open book’s pages, using old window eaves as the inspiration for the arc display cabinet, just as how the village houses are right next to one another. The reading area on the left and right sides of the building symbolize the passage of time with old windows. Readers can focus on the volumes while staying true to the core design of “see and be seen”. The fully see-through showcase design on the right follows the changes in the light of the old house, is the indirect light source for design exhibits. This gives a perspective point of view, displaying the beauty of the building and the exhibitions.


A space design that has multiple usages was the most interesting part for the "PLAYground 南村劇場·青鳥·有.設計" project. At the same time, it had inevitable difficulties. On one hand, we used the elements of the color, the transparency and the core idea of “see and be seen” to extend the close interpersonal relationships in the old community. On the other hand, we see this project as a starting point, to connect the theater and bookstore to each other, using the design the final level of interaction.

Client / 

PLAYground 南村劇場.青鳥.有.設計


Role / 

Interior Design

Year / 


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