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雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen x 日光維他 x 春池玻璃  
臺灣首支黃金奇異果酒  2020早春500支限量上市



2019年夏末,臺灣奇異果的農場主人涂旭帆,帶著雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen一路從新竹市驅車前往海拔1000公尺的尖石鄉奇異果園,90分鐘的車程後,站在遠眺雪山、中央山脈綿延處,享受高海拔溫涼的陽光與空氣,放眼陡斜向下的山坡都是涂先生與團隊細心包裹準備收成的奇異果,「氣候影響了每年的收成,2019年只有三成的熟果收成,我一直在思考,怎麼讓臺灣奇異果有更多機會被品嚐,同時找到讓風味留存更久的方式。」


歷經多次嘗試開發不同的奇異果副產品研發,在地種植改良的黃金奇異果,終於在歷時陳釀後,成為透亮金黃的首支臺灣奇異果酒,「一開始我們就希望臺灣奇異果酒能跟『在地』有緊密的共生關係,因此萌生結合新竹在地玻璃傳統工藝的設計想法,與春池玻璃的合作也就此成形。」雙好設計2 by Wu&Chen的設計師吳恩均找來近年在傳統工藝復興運動上不遺餘力的春池玻璃,讓來自新竹尖石山上孤持有機農法的臺灣奇異果酒,與春池的綠能回收玻璃,透過老師傅半手工吹製的酒瓶,設計出瓶底立體浮現出奇異果剖面的玻璃瓶身,也讓這支今年超限量僅有約500支的臺灣黃金奇異果酒更顯彌足珍貴。




臺灣首支日光維他黃金奇異果酒將於2020年4月22日世界地球日於貳房苑LivinGreen搶先獨佔上市。限量收藏 880NTD / 瓶。

2 by Wu&Chen & Soltiva has collaborated with Spring Pool Glass to bring forth the first taste of Taiwan’s golden kiwifruit.

Launching in early spring 2020, relish the taste of sunshine in a bottle, available in limited quantities.     


When it comes to the kiwifruit, New Zealand always comes to mind. After years of policy cultivation, the kiwifruit has almost become a synonym for New Zealand. While everyone regards it as a "foreign fruit", it is rarely known that Taiwan is one of the origins of the fruit.This unrecognized strangeness has bought Tu Xufan back to the farm. "If no one cultivates Taiwan's agricultural products, wouldn’t they disappear in the future?"


In the late summer of 2019, 2 by Wu&Chen visited the kiwifruit farm at Jianshi Township. The owner Mr. Tu drove the team from Hsinchu city for 90 minutes to the high altitude destination. From there, overlooking Taiwan’s central mountain range stretches, amidst the cool sunshine and air, the fruits that have been carefully wrapped by Tu and his team in preparations for the harvest can be seen on the steep slopes. "The climate affects the annual harvest. Only 30% of the crops were ripe in 2019. I have been thinking about how to give Taiwan’s kiwifruit more opportunities to be tasted, and find a way to keep the flavor longer."


After many attempts to develop different products, a local breed of golden kiwifruit became the first translucent Taiwan golden kiwifruit wine through aging. "From the beginning, we hope that this wine will form a close symbiotic relationship with this area. So we came up with the design idea of ​​combining with Hsinchu traditional glass craft, that is how we started our cooperation with Spring Pool Glass." 2 by Wu&Chen's designer Wu En-Chun worked aside the Spring Pool Glass, known for sparing no efforts to bring about a traditional craft revival. With the elements of the organically grown kiwifruit wine, recycled glass and semi-manually blown bottles by glass craft masters, they designed the bottle bottom with a three-dimensional view of sliced fruit. The kiwifruit profile glass bottle also makes this limited production of the Taiwan golden kiwifruit wine, of about 500 bottles even more precious.


After many adjustments to the design drawings, the oval bottle is an extension of the shape of the kiwifruit, a fine velvety touch was added to the wine label which is similar to the texture on the leaves of the kiwi vines.  From the design concept to 3D modeling images, it was the first time designer Wu has used glass as a medium. It was like discovering a new continent or exploring a new world. In particular, each glass bottle is slightly unique which is also like the kiwifruit growing on the mountain. In the same way, whether they are in the mountain forest or in the wine cabinet, they still retain the same natural beauty and good taste.


Taiwan’s first Soltiva golden kiwifruit wine will be available exclusively at LivinGreen on World Earth Day, April 22, 2020.

2021年  iF Design Award /

Packaging 臺灣黃金奇異果酒 Taiwan Golden Kiwifruit Wine

2020年  金點設計獎 Golden Pin Design Award /

產品設計類 日光維他 臺灣黃金奇異果酒 Taiwan Golden Kiwifruit Wine

2020年  OTOP臺灣產品設計獎 /

日光維他 臺灣黃金奇異果酒 Taiwan Golden Kiwifruit Wine


將豪健康農產 - 台灣奇異果


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