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煜.YUNI Office
煜.YUNI Office 是獨立品牌公關事業社。我們運用創辦人名字中深具辨識度的「煜」以及她的英文名「YUNI」,作為品牌識別設計的核心元素。中字經拆解,就能看見「火」、「日」、「立」充滿熱情與決心的個人意義,英字則緊扣著中字被拆解後的明亮企圖,作為公關品牌期待多樣而靈活的意象。彩色使用,則延續創辦人名字、品牌屬性所蘊含的能量,以大面積特殊霧金展現品牌內外兼備、不能忽視的高能量。
YUNI Office is an independent brand public relations agency. We use the recognizable "Yu" in the founder's name and her English name "YUNI" as the core elements of the brand identity design. After disassembling the mandarin characters, the individual personalities of "fire," "day," and "independent" can be seen, bringing out her passion and determination. Therefore the English characters used are selected to be closely linked to the brilliance intentions of the mandarin characters. These bring out YUNI Office as a diverse and flexible public relations brand. The use of color continues the energy contained in the name and brand attributes. It uses a large area of fine fog gold to show the brand's high power that is both interior and exterior and cannot be ignored.
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煜.YUNI Office
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CI Design
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