T22設計振興地方產業計畫再現鶯歌自2021年秋天開始,展開為期近一年的籌備,媒合策動六家鶯歌產地品牌,臺華窯、安達窯 、陶聚、傑作陶藝、新太源、新旺集瓷與三家星級餐廳,大腕燒肉專門店、大三元酒樓、Longtail Restaurant & Bar 的聯名訂製計畫,透過「訂製」的合作過程,展現鶯歌陶瓷技藝的精緻與專業,同時也呈現星級餐廳與料理,完美在地化的呈現。
2021年,得到經濟部中小企業處SBTR的支持,以活化鶯歌產業鏈之發展平台計畫的架構, 再現鶯歌以三組精彩的陶瓷餐具合作,展現鶯歌作為產地品牌、星級餐廳的品牌新意,並透過設計團隊與成果特色再製,深刻再現鶯歌這個百年產地品牌的當代性,由T22設計振興地方產業計畫領路,將鶯歌陶瓷產業設立全新產業高度,也期許臺灣美饌,都有鶯歌相佐。
T22 Local Industry Revitalization Project through Design
Yingge Reflection
The T22 Design Revitalization of Local Industries Project for Yinge Ceramics, which began in the autumn of 2021, underwent nearly a year of preparation. It facilitated collaboration among six local Yinge ceramic brands—Taihua Kiln, Anda Kiln, TaoJu, Masterpiece Pottery, New Tai Yuan, New Wang Ji Porcelain—along with three renowned restaurants: Big Arm BBQ, Da San Yuan Chinese Restaurant, and Longtail Restaurant & Bar. Through a collaborative "customization" process, the project showcased the precision and professionalism of Yinge ceramic craftsmanship, while also presenting a perfect localization of star-rated restaurants and cuisine.