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agnès b. Live Music Newsletter Visual Design

向來支持音樂的法國國民品牌 agnès b.,2014年在台北以Rue de Marseille Live 為名開設唱片選樂店,並以「Live」為音樂報刊命名。我們以龐克風格強烈的 Blondie 樂團主腦 Debbie Harry 為音樂專刊設計出符合設計師樣貌的龐克精神。

並陸續以配合雷鬼攝影展的 Damian Marley 與代表法國電子新浪潮的 Daft Punk 為封面設計,緊扣品牌來自法國的氣質與 agnès b. 獨特的音樂品味。

agnès b has always been supportive of music. In 2014, the French brand opened the Rue de Marseille Live record store in Taipei, together with the musical newsletter “Live”.  We chose Debbie Harry from the band Blondie establish the punkish image for the newsletter that would match the designer. Then we went on to collaborate with Damian Marley from the photography exhibition, Babylon on a Thin Wire, and La nouvelle vague representative Daft Punk as cover design, therefore linking the brand with the support of unique music.

Client / 

agnes b. Taiwan


Role / 

Visual Design

© 雙好 2 by Wu&Chen ( 貳房苑事業股份有限公司 50876152  +886 2 2391 3698 ), 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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