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Donnerstag Visual Design & Content Management
Donnerstag (de) / Thursday (en) / 星期四 (ch) / day of Thor。
這是一本於台北發生的柏林刊物,它並不是譁眾取寵的雙城差異,是一群喜歡閱讀、音樂、影像和冒險的人,傳遞著在柏林的生活形態,多元文化造就這樣讓人難以忘懷的都市魅力。柏林男孩說:「星期四就是新的星期五啊!」Donnerstag 就是種提前慶祝週末,或是天天等週末,抑或自由在心中誰也攔不住的性格刊物。
Genießen die Donnerstag Nacht! editorial design of Berlin’s stories happen in Taipei, 2 by Wu&Chen studio’s hope is that Donnerstag can serve as a reminder that a city’s beauty isn’t limited, and the stories is everywhere. The free publication is accompanied by text that retells Berlin’s history through its design and content, its freedom from the restrictions means that each issue can be totally unique.
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Art Direction
Visual Design
Editorial Design
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