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《我在柏林 - 音樂教父 ⾺克・雷德 柏林攝影文件展》 

Don't Tell Me Stories - MARK REEDER, an Unknown, Legendary Life in 80s West-Berlin


全球首度曝光,柏林音樂教父 ⾺克雷德(Mark Reeder)於德國冷戰時期的攝影作品與珍貴收藏展,2019年8月16日至9月15日於台北貳房苑開展,馬克本人更親自來台參與展覽解說,並透過自傳電影《B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin》放映座談、DJ Live現場演出以及私人珍貴黑膠收藏,帶領大家透過一段段不為人知的精彩故事,體驗冷戰時期柏林的次⽂化烏托邦。




一連串宛如歐洲音樂音樂歷史的編年史,自馬克腦海與記憶中擷取的柏林故事, 都在台北完整重現。


Diving into Berlin’s unknown underground history through music.
We take you back to the origins of the free-spirited, decadent and colorful Berlin of the 1980s.


Curated and Visual Designed by 雙好 2 by Wu&Chen
Exclusive sponsorship by Goethe-Institut, Taipei


For the first time, a true legend of Berlin’s Music scene Mark Reeder presents to the World, some of his photography and precious items he collected during the Cold War. The exhibition was held at Taipei’s LivinGreen from August 16 to September 15, 2019. Mark Reeder personally participated in this premier Taiwan exhibition’s walkthrough.


Through the screenings of his autobiographical film "B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin", as well as live DJ performance and examples from his private collection of precious vinyl, Mark shared his experiences and stories in Taipei.

2020年  iF Design Award /

Communication 我在柏林|音樂教父 馬克雷德 柏林攝影文件展

Don't Tell Me Stories - MARK REEDER, an Unknown, Legendary Life in 80s West-Berlin


Client / 

Mark Reeder
Goethe-Institut, Taipei


Role / 

Exhibition Curating Visual Design

Year / 


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