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Kai Deluxe 2018 Spring Summer Catalogue Shoot and Design

延續Kai Deluxe一貫對色彩的精湛見解,我們將早春隱藏在真實與夢境間的色彩,透過模特兒的眉宇與唇型,發揮Kai Deluxe彩妝色譜的細微巧思,也完成2018春夏型錄拍攝與型錄設計。 

Continuing Kai Deluxe’s sharp sense and usage of colors, we hid the colors of early spring in between the realms of reality and dreams. Converying from the eyebrows and lips of the models, expressing the intrigue details of Kai Deluxe’s color palette, completing the 2018 Spring Summer Catalogue shoot and design.

Client / 

Kai Deluxe


Role / 

Art Direction
Visual Design

Year / 


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