Peach Hill Craft Beer Product Development & Design
在數不盡的夜晚、一試再試的堅持沈澱,「雙好設計」的台灣回憶釀造【山桃映 水蜜桃精釀啤酒】首發計畫,讓釀酒商卡維蘭Kaviiland創辦人當年在拉拉山服役留下的回憶與人生經驗,化沈釀為酒,以設計為本。雙好設計聯名釀酒商,一起看見果農的心力與盛產時節的忙碌,最後卻只剩自銷與低價批發,果農和盤商的付出與獲益,讓我們看見剝削無理的商業邏輯,卡維蘭先以合理比例、大量收購因賣相差、過熟或過小的水蜜桃,陸續以水蜜桃製成的果汁、果醬、冷凍果肉包裝,雙好設計則將帶著濃厚情感的精釀啤酒與酒標包裝,試著把來自山巒雲霧的回憶帶進城市。
【山桃映 水蜜桃精釀啤酒】沒有香精、色素的人工調味,懷著對臺灣、對原鄉的情感,精釀啤酒中的水與大麥芽、水蜜桃原汁與啤酒花之間彼此相伴,就像這座島嶼的山巒和雲霧日日夜夜的伴隨著我們一同發酵。2017年深秋,我們在臺北城裡淺嚐水蜜桃精釀啤酒的溫柔氣味,而那片桃樹果香,也正是這群年輕人依著回憶,釀造夢想而成的熟成果實。
With an island soul and a mountain heart, Peach Hill Memories Craft Beer is an embrace of the local farm spirit that is so deeply integral to the founder of Kaviiland-Hong, Yi-Xin. He saw the tough market condition for peach growers and decided to collaborate with 2 by Wu&Chen studio, assisted in brand creation starting with naming and positioning, then identity, package and interactive into a brand that reflective fruit farmers reality for those working under the sun. Peach Hill Memories Craft Beer is the first and only beer brewed with fresh peach juice, it evokes images of a hot summer’s day in the countryside before you’ve even taken a sip. It’s slightly sparkling, and the sweet taste of real peach juice gives way to a slightly more bitter edge a moment after you sip, is our very own tempting taste of this island that’ll have you reaching for your shades in no time.
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Art Direction
Visual Design
Content Executive
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