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TLC Campaign Visual Design

Action! It’s Your Call. TLC旅遊節目頻道為了提供優秀創作者更多展現自己的舞台,首度公開徵選優秀創意,要找到令人驚豔的旅遊節目提案,雙好設計將奇幻夢想、掌鏡觀看的沙發觀點全都放上地球儀的轉速上,以「旅遊」為方向,為台灣影視人才開啓邁向國際的專業舞台!

Key visual & Campaign design for TLC-Action! It’s Your Call contest, which empowered talented creatives to put their views through lens, 2 by Wu&Chen studio inspired by their adventurous spirit, created a key visual that centered an universe of creative passion.

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Visual Design
Campaign Design
Promotional Design
Digital Design

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