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Tokyo Finest Round 1 Event Organizer & Visual Design

連結建立台北與東京的音樂、藝術,以「東京」為主題,為台北觀眾帶來東京現在炙手可熱的好音樂!雙好設計與活動主辦品牌OFF TOPIC共同策劃之「Tokyo Finest」系列活動,與東倫敦時尚品牌AllSaints攜手,將「現正發生中」的東京音樂場景輸入到台北,Vol.1邀請到結合視覺聽覺來自外星球的怪物星銳Yahyel,以及世界同步的實現靈魂組合WONK共同演出,直擊東京最前端。雙好設計從識別、海報到活動現場設置都將東京的原汁原味完整呈現,直接親身感受東京最前端。

When an event label meet a design studio, more ideas has come to life! “Tokyo’s Finest” is aimed to build up a bridge between Taipei and Tokyo. By bringing the “real scene” to Taiwan via a series of events, focus on urban city and future possibility of music, use what’s going on in Tokyo as key attractions to provoke, to excite, to simulate both cities. 2 by Wu & Chen studio has created a new identity for Tokyo Finest, the identity follows a set of posters, video and set display, resembles the skylines and cities to illustrate the vibe of Tokyo.

Client / 

Tokyo Finest (self-operated)


Role / 

Brand Identity
Event Planner
Visual Design

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