2022年全新人孔蓋杯墊與雙好2byWu&Chen聯名設計,大膽嘗試以日月潭清淤底泥為主要材料,與煤灰調和適當比例後,由台華窯經過多次實驗,才以精熟的陶瓷製作技術成功復刻再現人氣商品人孔蓋杯墊,並且將厚度減少到僅有約 5mm。
極簡「潮電藍」包裝設計 向台電一線工程人員致敬
為了滿足更完整的使用需求,人孔蓋杯墊也搭配由在地廠商春池所開發之 W Loop 玻璃杯,讓「台電生活」的設計概念延展,推出《孔蓋之下有電世界TPC Power On》杯墊與玻璃杯套裝禮盒。玻璃杯圖樣同樣以台電人孔蓋獨有十字圖紋發想,裝盛飲料後的漸變圖樣為夏日帶來清涼感受!
台電文創近年與在地品牌合作,投入以退役電力材料的循環再製計畫,企劃開發多款設計產品。陸續與META DESIGN合作「退役木橫擔計畫」,將電桿廢棄木料化為閱讀燈具;與擅長金屬設計的生活品牌 NAKNAK聯手展開「退役變電箱再製計畫」。截至目前已運用煤灰、木橫擔、變電箱、礙子等多項退役電力材料,如今推出底泥製品,再度為循環永續開拓出新的可能!
【TPC Power On】
Manhole Coaster made from the depths of Sun Moon Lake
Design description
The 2022 TPCreative’s new edition “manhole” coaster that was co-designed by 2byWu&Chen is a bold attempt to utilize the dredged mud from the bottom of Sun Moon Lake. A challenging material to deal with as the mud contains high levels of impurities which makes it viscous and difficult to use alone. Applying their experience in making coal ash coasters they came up with a method through trial and error to first purify the mud by lightly burning it then mixing in an equal amount of clay for a second burn. After landing on this successful recipe the technique creates a sophisticated ceramic coaster that is a mere 5mm in thickness.
TaiPower wanted to pay tribute to its frontline workers, so when designing the packaging; 2byWu&Chen incorporated the gray-blue of the workers uniforms in addition to the salmon color of the coaster. To reduce unnecessary waste, the packaging is folded from a single piece of paper and decorated with small icons of machines and tools commonly seen around the Taipower facilities. Also included in the TPC Power On giftpack is a green-energy recycled glass which embodies the Taipower lifestyle. Once you open the TPC Power On giftpack, you walk into the electric world of TaiPower that’s full of small yet powerful elements that drive our life forward, just like the mini-icons on the packaging.
The packaging of《TPC Power On》takes colors from the gray-blue Taipower staff uniform and the salmon colored kiln-burned coaster. The one-piece boxing reduces paper waste and provides a cushioning effect for the contents.
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Package Design
Commercial Photography
Hedy Chang
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