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2 by Wu&Chen
The Soho John Milroy Selection by The Whiskyfind Label Design
約翰傑克米爾羅在 1964 年英國倫敦蘇活區開設「米爾羅(Milroy's of Soho)」酒莊。我們以蘇活區當地藝術與年輕文化為靈感,將當年經典的生活品味,放進三款全新酒標設計,內斂沈穩。
Drawing inspiration from the winery Milroy's of Soho at London’s Soho area, we used Soho’s local art and young culture to recreate the classic style of 1964 into three new whisky labels.
Client /
The Whiskyfind
Role /
Label Design
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